Grand Symbolic Lodge of Croatia (further G∴S∴L∴C∴) is a Union of masonic Lodges that are working in Croatia.
It is constituted as the highest masonic corps according to traditional and authentic masonic habits. G∴S∴L∴C∴ is gathering and coordinating Lodges because of brotherly and constructive relationships with other masonic corps in Croatia and abroad.
G∴S∴L∴C∴ is a mixed masonic body where its members are free men and women that are gathering in the Lodges which have possibility to choose a specific ritual that is being performed on works. Each Lodge has its own approach that is based on differences between affinities and tendencies among people.
G∴S∴L∴C∴ has a goal which is promoting Freemasonry as initiative esoteric Order, traditional, liberal and adogmatic by its nature. In in other words, G∴S∴L∴C∴ is giving to its Lodges, as well as member’s complete freedom of thought. Thereby is supporting and saluting all people, no matter on the race, belief, social status, philosophical and political ideals, as long as they are in agreement with ethics, morality and honor of sounded man.
G∴S∴L∴C∴ sees itself as a traditional and evolutional Masonic order dedicated to perfecting individual as well as society in general. Traditionally meaning nurturing old rituals and evolutionally meaning listening to the nowadays world with among dose of sensibility to the questions that are torturing the world and due to that nurturing permanent fraternal values. Freemason, a member of Grand Symbolic Lodge of Croatia should see himself as a modern, responsible man, active involved citizen who is constantly working for the benefit of all society.
Dear reader, if this kind of living, working and thinking is close to yours, don’t hesitate to contact us directly. And if this way takes you to joining masonic Order, maybe I’ll have pleasure and honor to meet you in one of our Lodges.
With respect,
Grandmaster of the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Croatia